Creative Workshop Wednesdays

Every Wednesday from 10 am to 3 pm we gather at 61 Owen St for a day of
creativity and fun. There is rarely anything structured, and participation in any
particular activity is totally optional. Our goal is to have an opportunity to get
together and stir up those creativity juices!

Some current things going on include folks coming to knit and to colour in their
own colouring book. Folks coming to chat, laugh and take a breath from doing
anything, preparing for Christmas fairs, painting, the list goes on.

Some of us have challenged ourselves to re-create a simple drawing in various
mediums simply for fun. So far, we have 1 quilted, 2 painted, 1 drawing in process
and 1 in process with 3-D mosaics. Our hope is to have a social event in the spring with a display of the different interpretations. This is not a competition and we absolutely welcome participation. You can complete your project from home, if you choose. Of course we would much rather enjoy your company!