One Billion Rising

February 14 has always been set aside for lovers but a new tradition has emerged all over the world.  A tradition where women remind themselves, each other and everyone else that we need to “break the chain.”

This day is marked by many events in countries all over the world, the dance and song played over and over.  In the Highlands, we have been fortunate to have a dance group lead us in the One Billion Rising dance and we ensure the event is welcoming to everyone.

Official One Billion Rising song and dance.

Our perspective is that everyone plays a role in empowerment of women and we invite everyone to come and share that celebration of determination and will.  We explore equity in interesting ways, build self esteem in boys and girls with super-kid capes, challenge everyone to commit to taking an active step towards ending violence and inequity.

The events are child and adult friendly and are meant to be for both learning and fun.  Together we build non-violent, positive communities.