As women we spend a great deal of time painting a portrait of ourselves that we believe others want to see. We also spend a lot of time caring for the needs of others, forgetting that isn’t what defines who we are. It is really important for all of us to take some time to really understand who we are as people. What we stand for, what makes us truly happy or angry. This is not a once in a lifetime thing to do. All of us need to remember exactly who we are, and re-visit that now and again.
This series is eight weeks long and focuses on different steps to discover the inner workings of who we are as individuals. Obviously it cannot be complete, no one can tell anyone else how to go through this process completely. These are merely suggestions to get started. There will be two facilitators and the group will be small. No one has to share any personal information should they choose not to, and all information is kept confidential.
Special thanks go to our sponsoring agencies. Through the support of the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Committee help is available for some transportation costs, Lanark County Interval House supports this group through the provision of a facilitator.We ask that all participants are double vaccinated. The next series begins Tuesday, Feb 1 from 1-3 pm. Please contact 613-434-4435 or for more information or to register.
Getting to Know Myself
An opportunity to spend some time reflecting on who we are and how our world has shaped us. How do we feel about those changes? Information will be provided but the journey is unique, personal, and self-driven.
Day 1
Women in the world
The role women play in their communities as impacted by ethnicity, nationality, religion, class, geography, the times, social pressures.
Day 2
Building a Profile
Has this always been true of you?
Day 3
Taking Care of Myself
More than just a soak in the tub!
Day 4
When It Gets Really Hard
Handling strong feelings like depression, sadness, anger, anxiety.
Day 5
The Good Stuff
Remember happy times. What made those memories happy? Why?
Day 6
Being Brave. How do you feel about challenges?
Day 7
Taking Stock
How do you let go of the stuff that keeps you from moving forward?
What do your dreams tell you?
Day 8
Looking Forward